Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Dojo Room

Danganronpa: The Animation is a 2013 anime television series based on Spike Chunsoft's murder mystery video game, Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc.The series follows a boy named Makoto Naegi who, along with fourteen other unique students, is imprisoned inside the elite Hope's Peak Academy, where a psychotic remote-controlled bear named Monokuma offers them only one means of escape. At the start of Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, the students were given the DVDs as a motivation in order to kill. Ogami's DVD contained Monokuma 's blackmail, stating that if she did not act as. Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc PC. Android iOS (iPhone/iPad). Ctrl run/leave room/speed up text Tab open or close map/reaction Class trial Controls: Q - cycle bullets (hold to see them all). Welcome to a new world of Danganronpa, and prepare yourself for.

  1. Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Wiki
  2. Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Characters

Visual Novel – Vita – £19.99 NISA Europe

Teddy bear’s picnic

Hope’s Peak Academy is one of the most prestigious high schools in the land. Graduates are practically guaranteed success in whatever they do. Unsurprisingly, entrance into this esteemed school is not easy. Its students are the cream of the crop, the elite, the ultimate in their fields.

And then there’s you. Makoto Naegi, average student. Average grades, average skills, average personality. Average everything – but the lucky recipient of the one place afforded to average students by lottery every year.

Or, not so lucky. Blacking out soon after arrival, you awaken in a school where every window is sealed with a metal plate, and your headmaster has been replaced by a black-and-white teddy bear; Monokuma. Gleefully, Monokuma announces that there is only one way to leave the school. Kill someone. But this is no last-student-standing battle royale; you must kill another student and survive a trial by your peers. If you are uncovered, an extravagant execution awaits. But if you succeed, and pin the murder on someone else, you walk free.

With your friends disappearing around you, and trust and hope disappearing even faster, can you solve each murder and unravel the mysteries of Hope’s Peak?

Visualise this

Danganronpa is a mix between visual novel and hidden object game, divided into chapters. Each chapter has three ‘phases’. In the ‘daily life’ phase, you roam around the school interacting with the other prisoner-students, finding out more about them and discovering locations which may help you later. This section can be skipped, but it would be a shame to do so – it’s through these interactions that you build up a relationship with your fellow students, making them more relatable. Each character is well written, from timid computer geek Chihiro to muscle-bound Sakura, the MMA champion. I was genuinely saddened when some of them turned up dead (although one couldn’t meet their demise fast enough).

At some point, something happens to move the story on and somebody will enter the great High School In The Sky. The game then enters the investigation phase, where you search the crime scene for clues and interview other students, building up a picture of what happened and who the murderer is. Notable objects and testimonies are stored as ‘truth bullets’, which are used later. The game won’t move on until you have all the clues, so you don’t need to worry about missing anything. When you have all you need, the stage is set for the final phase; the class trial.

The class trial is Danganronpa‘s signature feature. The remaining students gather in a mock court room and debate who they think dunnit. Comparisons to Phoenix Wright are inevitable, but Danganronpa is Phoenix on a bad acid trip. It’s faster moving, more fluid, and I felt more invested in the trials because I knew the other students. As the argument goes backwards and forwards, some phrases are highlighted as ‘weak spots’ which you can shoot down using the truth bullets you collected during the investigation (Danganronpa comes from the Japanese for ‘bullet’ and ‘refute’). Students also ask you questions, so you’d better have been paying attention during the investigation phase.

When you’ve pinned down the culprit, you assemble the crime time line by arranging a comic strip depiction of the murder in the right order, and finally demolish your opponent’s objections in a peculiar mix of shooting gallery and rhythm game. For me, there were too many different mechanics in the trials, the game suffers from not always being clear about what you’re supposed to do and the instructions don’t always seem to match up with reality. In the rhythm section in particular, I ended up mashing buttons until I somehow won. The settings allow you to scale the difficulty of these down considerably, but these final sections would benefit from streamlining.

I went into my first trial knowing who the murderer was, because the game spelt it out for me. It was breaking me in gently. Subsequent trials twisted and turned like a slug in a salt mine, and I was broadsided more than once by some very enjoyable revelations and twists of logic, which more than compensated for the squiffy controls.

Pretty as a picture


Danganronpa‘s art is instantly recognisable. The school corridors are cast in atmospheric hues which add to the claustrophobic feel of the game and make navigation easier. The rooms are laid out in 2.5D, with furniture and characters dropped in as cardboard cut outs, creating an unworldly feeling of being on a set. Conversations take place in typical close-up visual novel style, and each character has a fair range of poses and expressions. Both animated and static cut scenes have their own unique style, and I was left wanting more of them.

The soundtrack is excellent, changing with the time of day and what’s going on, but always retaining a menacing feeling even in its lightest moments. Monokuma has his own theme, which is just as unsettling as he is.

As with many visual novels, the key dialogue and cut scenes are fully voiced, but day-to-day general interactions aren’t, other than a few grunts and random words. This worked for the most part, but occasionally the third ‘tee-hee’ in a row became a little annoying. In common with most of my Vita games, I needed to turn the BGM down in the settings menu to stop it drowning out the dialogue, and I’d recommend using headphones as the Vita’s tiny speakers don’t do the game justice.

All rise for the verdict

Danganronpa will happily suck hours out of your life. There is a lot of game here. In the best VN tradition, it has an immersive story which keeps you pushing forward, wondering what will happen next. For those who find VN’s too restrictive, the interactive parts break up the reading and make you feel like you’re part of the game world. The trials, although let down to a degree by the controls, are enjoyable and there is a genuine sense of relief and achievement when you uncover the culprit. An enjoyable, disturbing, and surreal experience which I thoroughly enjoyed.

4/5 – Recommended

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc

En el menú principal encontrarás la sección Extras, donde puedes usar Monocoins para comprar imágenes, vídeos y pistas musicales que hayas desbloqueado previamente (marcamos en negrita los que piden requisitos especiales). Se necesita un total de 911 Monocoins para comprar todo el contenido.

AVISO: Los nombres de algunos elementos contienen spoilers de la historia. Es recomendable que no sigas leyendo hasta haber terminado el juego.

Hope's Peak From a Distance – 2 coins
Hope's Peak School Gate – 2 coins
Hope's Peak Online Thread – 2 coins
Orientation Guide – 2 coins
Ultimate Pop Sensation – 2 coins
Ultimate Baseball Star – 2 coins
Ultimate Fashionista – 2 coins
Ultimate Biker Gang Leader – 2 coins
Strange Classroom – 2 coins
Student Meeting – 2 coins
Kiyotaka's Introduction – 1 coin
Byakuya's Introduction – 1 coin
Mondo's Introduction – 1 coin
Leon's Introduction – 1 coin
Hifumi's Introduction – 1 coin
Yasuhiro's Introduction – 1 coin
Sayaka's Introduction – 1 coin
Kyoko's Introduction – 1 coin
Aoi's Introduction – 1 coin
Toko's Introduction – 1 coin
Sakura's Introduction – 1 coin
Celeste's Introduction – 1 coin
Junko's Introduction – 1 coin
Chihiro's Introduction – 1 coin
Monokuma TV (Silhouette) – 3 coins
Monokuma TV – 3 coins
Monokuma Glint – 3 coins
Mondo Choke Slam – 3 coins
Self-Destruct! – 3 coins
Terror of the Fifteen – 3 coins
Crash Down – 3 coins
Together in the Dining Hall – 3 coins
Anxiety – 3 coins
What Is a Class Trial? – 3 coins
Gungnir – 3 coins
The Death of Junko Enoshima – 3 coins
Investigating With Kyoko – 3 coins
Makoto's Video (1) – 3 coins
Makoto's Video (2) – 3 coins
Sayaka's Video – 3 coins
The Class Trial Begins (1) – 3 coins
The Class Trial Begins (2) – 3 coins
The Class Trial Begins (3) – 3 coins
Dying Message – 3 coins
Petrification – 3 coins
Morning Exercise – 3 coins
In the Library – 3 coins
Sauna Showdown – 3 coins
Enveloped Secrets – 3 coins
Toko Withdraws (1) – 3 coins
Toko Withdraws (2) – 3 coins
Genocide Jack File – 3 coins
Genocide Jack Photos – 3 coins
Genocide Jack Fully Armed – 3 coins
Chihiro and Celeste – 3 coins
Chihiro's Determination – 3 coins
A Brother Ahead – 3 coins
Tragedy – 3 coins
A Brother Dies – 3 coins
Secret Discussion – 3 coins
Aoi's Tears – 3 coins
Ghostly Encounter – 3 coins
Mystery Photo (1) – 3 coins
A Man's Fantasy – 3 coins – Se desbloquea en el Chapter 03 si tienes el objeto A Man's Fantasy (se consigue en la MonoMono Machine).
Cash Money – 3 coins
A Run-In With Robo Justice – 3 coins
Hifumi's Death (1) – 3 coins
Hifumi's Death (2) – 3 coins
Hifumi's Death (3) – 3 coins
Robo Asahina – 3 coins
Celeste's Dream – 3 coins
A Masked Man Attacks! – 3 coins
Sakura vs Monokuma – 3 coins
Face-Off! – 3 coins
Cattle Mutilation – 3 coins
Mystery Photo (2) – 3 coins
Grrrr... – 3 coins
Discord – 3 coins
Locked Room – 3 coins
Mankind's Strongest... Dead!? – 3 coins
An Array of Monokuma Bottles – 3 coins
Balancing Act – 3 coins
Footprint Sketch – 3 coins
Yasuhiro's Single Strike – 3 coins
Not Dead Yet! – 3 coins
Sakura's Suicide Note – 3 coins
Kyoko Hallucination (?) – 3 coins
Kyoko Whispers – 3 coins
Feverish – 3 coins
Masked Man Hallucination (?) – 3 coins
Dismantling Monokuma – 3 coins
Destroying Evidence – 3 coins
Fighting Fire – 3 coins
Surveillance Room (1) – 3 coins
Surveillance Room (2) – 3 coins
Mukuro's Profile – 3 coins
Makoto and Byakuya Investigate – 3 coins
Byakuya Drinks the Poison – 3 coins
Alternate Ending (!?) – 3 coins – Se desbloquea en la Class Trial del Chapter 05 escogiendo la opción 'Pursue the lie', que te hace ver el bad ending.
Spiderwebs – 3 coins
Spiderwebs (Terminus) – 3 coins
Rejoin and Rejoice – 3 coins
System Locked – 3 coins
What's in the Box? – 3 coins
Kyoko's Family Picture – 3 coins
A Notebook Is Discovered (1) – 3 coins
A Notebook Is Discovered (2) – 3 coins
Sayaka's Interview – 3 coins
Makoto's Interview – 3 coins
Byakuya's Interview – 3 coins
Toko's Interview – 3 coins
Aoi's Interview – 3 coins
Kyoko's Interview – 3 coins
Group Photo (1) – 3 coins
Group Photo (2) – 3 coins
Group Photo (3) – 3 coins
Group Photo (4) – 3 coins
Kyoko's Scars – 3 coins
The Mastermind Stands Revealed – 3 coins
Monitor of Truth (1) – 3 coins
Monitor of Truth (2) – 3 coins
Truth of the Outside World (1) – 3 coins
Truth of the Outside World (2) – 3 coins
Truth of the Outside World (3) – 3 coins
Sisters of Despair – 3 coins
The End... – 3 coins
The End – 3 coins
The End! – 3 coins
THE END! – 3 coins
THE END!!! – 3 coins
Button of Hope – 3 coins
Monokuma Still Lives!? – 3 coins
Monokuma Theater (1) – 1 coin
Monokuma Theater (2) – 1 coin
Monokuma Theater (3) – 1 coin
Monokuma Theater (4) – 1 coin
Monokuma Theater (5) – 1 coin
Monokuma Theater (6) – 1 coin
Monokuma Theater (7) – 1 coin
Monokuma Theater (8) – 1 coin
Monokuma Theater (9) – 1 coin
Monokuma Theater (10) – 1 coin
Monokuma Theater (11) – 1 coin
Monokuma Theater (12) – 1 coin
Monokuma Theater (13) – 1 coin
Monokuma Theater (14) – 1 coin
Monokuma Theater (15) – 1 coin
Monokuma Theater (16) – 1 coin
Monokuma Theater (17) – 1 coin

Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Wiki

Opening – 5 coins
Punishment: Prologue – 10 coins
Punishment: Leon Kuwata – 10 coins
Punishment: Mondo Owada – 10 coins
Punishment: Celeste – 10 coins
Punishment: Alter Ego – 10 coins
Punishment: Makoto Naegi – 10 coins
Punishment: Kyoko Kirigiri – 10 coins – Se desbloquea en la Class Trial del Chapter 05 escogiendo la opción 'Pursue the lie', que te hace ver el bad ending.
Punishment: Junko Enoshima – 10 coins
Results (1) – 1 coin
Results (2) – 1 coin
Results (3) – 1 coin
Results (4) – 1 coin
Results (5) – 1 coin
Results (6) – 1 coin – Se desbloquea en la Class Trial del Chapter 05 escogiendo la opción 'Pursue the lie', que te hace ver el bad ending.
Results (7) – 1 coin
Monokuma Appears! (1) – 3 coins
Monokuma Appears! (2) – 3 coins
Monokuma Appears! (3) – 3 coins
Monokuma Appears! (4) – 3 coins
Monokuma Appears! (5) – 3 coins
Victim: Sayaka Maizono – 3 coins
Victim: Chihiro Fujisaki – 3 coins
Victim: Hifumi Yamada – 3 coins
Victim: Kiyotaka Ishimaru – 3 coins
Victim: Hifumi & Kiyotaka – 3 coins
Victim: Sakura Ogami – 3 coins
Victim: Unknown – 3 coins
Goodbye Despair High – 3 coins
Goodbye Despair High (All) – 5 coins – Se desbloquea al obtener el objeto Escape Button (se consigue en la MonoMono Machine tras completar la historia principal).

Character Art: Makoto Naegi – 3 coins
Character Art: Kiyotaka Ishimaru – 3 coins
Character Art: Byakuya Togami – 3 coins
Character Art: Mondo Owada – 3 coins
Character Art: Leon Kuwata – 3 coins
Character Art: Hifumi Yamada – 3 coins
Character Art: Yasuhiro Hagakure – 3 coins
Character Art: Sayaka Maizono – 3 coins
Character Art: Kyoko Kirigiri – 3 coins
Character Art: Aoi Asahina – 3 coins
Character Art: Toko Fukawa – 3 coins
Character Art: Genocide Jack – 3 coins
Character Art: Sakura Ogami – 3 coins
Character Art: Celeste – 3 coins
Character Art: Chihiro Fujisaki – 3 coins
Character Art: Junko Enoshima (Imposter) – 3 coins
Character Art: Junko Enoshima (Genuine) – 3 coins
Character Art: Monokuma – 3 coins
Character Art: Robo Justice – 3 coins
Promo Art: Makoto Naegi – 3 coins
Promo Art: Kiyotaka Ishimaru – 3 coins
Promo Art: Byakuya Togami – 3 coins
Promo Art: Mondo Owada – 3 coins
Promo Art: Leon Kuwata – 3 coins
Promo Art: Hifumi Yamada – 3 coins
Promo Art: Yasuhiro Hagakure – 3 coins
Promo Art: Sayaka Maizono – 3 coins
Promo Art: Kyoko Kirigiri – 3 coins
Promo Art: Aoi Asahina – 3 coins
Promo Art: Toko Fukawa – 3 coins
Promo Art: Genocide Jack – 3 coins
Promo Art: Sakura Ogami – 3 coins
Promo Art: Celeste – 3 coins
Promo Art: Chihiro Fujisaki – 3 coins
Promo Art: Junko Enoshima (Imposter) – 3 coins
Promo Art: Junko Enoshima (Genuine) – 3 coins
Promo Art: Monokuma – 3 coins
Special Art: Kenshiro – 3 coins
Special Art: Shikiba Santa – 3 coins
Special Art: Kiyondo – 3 coins
Special Art: Mukuro Ikusaba – 3 coins
Full Body Art: Makoto Naegi – 3 coins
Full Body Art: Kiyotaka Ishimaru – 3 coins
Full Body Art: Byakuya Togami – 3 coins
Full Body Art: Mondo Owada – 3 coins
Full Body Art: Leon Kuwata – 3 coins
Full Body Art: Hifumi Yamada – 3 coins
Full Body Art: Yasuhiro Hagakure – 3 coins
Full Body Art: Sayaka Maizono – 3 coins
Full Body Art: Kyoko Kirigiri – 3 coins
Full Body Art: Aoi Asahina – 3 coins
Full Body Art: Toko Fukawa – 3 coins
Full Body Art: Sakura Ogami – 3 coins
Full Body Art: Celeste – 3 coins
Full Body Art: Junko Enoshima (Imposter) – 3 coins
Full Body Art: Chihiro Fujisaki – 3 coins
Full Body Art: Monokuma – 3 coins
Promo Art – 3 coins
Pixel Art – 3 coins
Impatient Leon – 3 coins
Monokuma Picture Book – 3 coins
Fire Truck – 3 coins
Alter Ego (Tears) – 3 coins
Alter Lump – 3 coins
Here Comes Junko! – 3 coins
Execution Image – 3 coins
Preview Image 1 – 3 coins
Preview Image 2 – 3 coins
Preview Image 3 – 3 coins
Chips – 3 coins
Mondo Butter – 3 coins
Pudgy Princess Piggles – 3 coins
Alternate Sakura – 3 coins
Depressed Monokuma – 3 coins
Yo Monokuma RAPS – 3 coins
Monokuma Rough Draft (Phantom) – 3 coins
K. O. Illustration – 3 coins
Magazine Ad 1 – 3 coins
Magazine Ad 2 – 3 coins
Magazine Ad 3 – 3 coins
Card Illustration – 3 coins
Cover Art (Blue) – 3 coins
Cover Art (Red) – 3 coins
Meeting Picture 1 – 3 coins
Meeting Picture 2 – 3 coins

Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Dojo Room

Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Characters

Trigger Happy Havoc – 5 coins
Danganronpa! – 5 coins
Beautiful Death – 5 coins
Welcome to Despair – 5 coins
Beautiful Morning – 5 coins
To Survive – 5 coins
Boys' Life of Despair – 5 coins
Despair Syndrome (1) – 5 coins
Despair Syndrome (2) – 5 coins
Death Wish – 5 coins
Death Wish (No Intro) – 5 coins
All Star Apologies – 5 coins
Beautiful Days – 5 coins
100 Mile Junk Food Dash – 5 coins
New World Order – 5 coins
Mr. Monokuma After Class – 5 coins
Box 15 – 5 coins
Box 16 – 5 coins
Distrust – 5 coins
Mr. Monokuma's Lesson – 5 coins
Underground Trial – 5 coins
Class Trial [DAWN] – 5 coins
Class Trial [CHAOS] – 5 coins
Class Trial [THE SUN] – 5 coins
Argument [BREAK] – 5 coins
Argument [TURN UP THE HEAT] – 5 coins
Argument [HOPE VS DESPAIR] – 5 coins
Hangman's Gambit – 5 coins
Closing Argument – 5 coins
Climatic Re-enactment – 5 coins
BTB – 5 coins
Super BTB – 5 coins
Super Final BTB – 5 coins
Goodbye Despair High School – 5 coins
Rebirth, Rebuild – 5 coins