Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Locked Room Was Unlocked

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. The whole 'she locked herself in the bathroom so I went to my room, took toolkit and then went back' situation is rather.

  1. Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Locked Room Was Unlocked Phone
  2. Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Demo
  3. Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Wiki
  4. Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Characters
  5. Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Anime

Released: November 25, 2010 (Japan only)
Re-released: February 14, 2014


Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc is a visual novel game. This means lots of text, lots of reading, and a plot heavy game. A murder mystery at heart, also sprinkled in with the story are exploration aspects and mini games to involve the player more than just reading.


Trigger Happy Havoc has two modes of play, in essence. There is the exploration aspect, reminiscent of games like 999 and Virtue’s Last Reward (amazing games in their own right), and the trial aspect, which is akin to games like Phoenix Wright (also an amazing series). Mixing these two seems like genius.

The exploration side of the game takes place from the first person perspective. You’re allowed to run around the school and examine different objects, thus learning about your environment. The exploration isn’t very deep and there aren’t many rooms to explore. But the main point of the exploration takes place during your character’s “free time.” You use the free time to interact with the other characters and learn more about them.

However, the main point of the exploration time comes during the investigation periods. An investigation takes place after a murder happens. It is up to you to discover clues around the school to find out “whodunnit.” In every room of there are only certain things you can examine, some of them are important, some of them are not. Find all the clues you need to and the story progresses.

The other mode is the trial. The trial is composed of some basic minigames, but they are interesting enough to keep players on their toes. The minigames are all related to guns (hence the name of the game “Trigger Happy”); there is the nonstop debate, the hangman’s gambit, the final conclusion, and character battles. The clues found during the investigation are given to you as “truth bullets.” During the nonstop debate it is up to you to shoot contradictions with your truth bullets to bring truth to the court. in the other minigames you will shoot letters to form key words, shoot in rhythm based ways, and use pictures to clue together the events of crimes manga style.

One aspect that is enjoyable is the difficulty curve. With each new aspect that is added to each minigame, the difficulty gradually increases throughout the whole game. The trials start off easy enough, but soon there are many different ways to reveal contradictions and you require logic to solve the puzzle as well as reflexes to “shoot” the lie.

This game won’t be for the gamer looking for their action fix, but if you love story this is right up your alley.

There is a mode unlocked after completing the main storyline: School mode. In a dramatic shift from anything else the game has to offer, school mode is a “what if” scenario. It is up to the player to assign tasks to the different characters of Hope’s Peak with the main goal of building certain objects assigned to the group. This gives a break from all of the “murder-stabby-death” scenes that happen through the campaign and it a refreshing change of pace at first. The novelty wears off if you are going for a completionist run though.

Other than the game, there are different collectibles that can be bought with in game currency. Mainly these are presents to give to the characters to make them like you more. However, you can also unlock songs and artwork from the game, if you’re into that.


The basic story goes as follows: You are invited to attend a prestigious high school and when you try to attend the welcoming ceremony, you black out and wake up to discover that you and 14 other students are trapped in a high school building and you’re destined to live there forever; unless you decide that you want to murder. If you murder and don’t get caught, you can go home.


The opening scene starts with your character, Makoto, getting a letter from the Hope’s peak high school, a school for gifted (Ultimate) students. Makoto won a sweepstakes allowing him to enter the school even though he is just an average student. This makes him the “Ultimate Lucky Student.”

Makoto shows up early on the first day for orientation and upon stepping food into the school, loses consciousness. He wakes up in a classroom where the windows are welded shut and a note saying to meet up in the gym for orientation; in the gym, he meets 14 other students who have been chosen to go to this school, all with their own ultimate traits.

The headmaster introduces himself as Monokuma, the two toned bear. Orientation is all about telling these students that they will be stuck in the school forever unless they commit murder. If they can get away with murder they are free to leave.

The students work together sometimes to try and find a way out while having to be suspicious of everyone as danger could be lurking around every corner. Students are killed off and murderers are found. For most of the game it’s worrying about how to find an exit from this school. The real mystery to the game doesn’t start to unravel until the penultimate chapter.

One of the students, Kyoko, decides to investigate the school and learns of a sixteenth student (which was hinted at through the game). There is a final trial which eventually leads to some pretty big plot twists which won’t even be spoiled here. If you want to enjoy the full effect of this game, you should play it. Developing the characters enough to explain the intricacies of the plot would take way more time than you are willing to read here.


The story is definitely engaging. With making comparisons to 999 and Virtue’s Last Reward, I won’t say that it contains the crazy twists held in those games, but the game keeps you interested from start to finish. If you are into murder mystery, then this game is right up your alley.


This game has one of the most unique styles I’ve ever seen. The environments are three dimensional but the people are two dimensional cutouts that don’t move. The graphics are also a little cutesy. Which is surprising as this is a game about murder. In an attempt to not be bloody, blood is colored a fluorescent pink instead, which is an interesting take on trying to get rid of blood.

Most cutscenes are also not animated completely, instead taking the route of using stills with voiceovers; this gives the game a very comic book feel overall (more like manga, since the game is Japanese). I will admit that the game’s style did take some getting used to before I enjoyed it, but it’s a stylistic look that pays off.


Most of the game has ambient music throughout, which is by and large forgettable.

The voice acting is very well done, but there are lots of times where only voice snippets are used. This game is not fully voiced. The only fully voiced segments are the court trials. It’s an interesting take, but it works for this game. It gives the court trials a tense feeling you don’t get elsewhere in the game.

Final Thoughts/My Experience:

I always enjoy a good story. The opening of this game was enough to keep me through to the end. The game really makes you feel smart when you figure out a particular angle of a trial before the game leads you down that path; however, I feel that there is a little too much hand holding in that regard. Most of the time, the game makes you go through some pretty useless lines of questioning before it settles on what you already figured out 10 minutes ago.

This isn’t to say the game is bad. I enjoyed the first run of the story and even the additional school mode. The only bad part here comes from the fact that if you are a completionist (like me) you will be replaying things a few times and when you already know the twists the magic that makes this game fun vanishes.



+Art style
+Very fun mini games
-Grind-fest for completionists
-Too much hand holding

Part 87: Chapter 4 Daily Life, Part 3

: Time to share information with the others. Let's start with Hina.
: There was a big shelf in the chem lab on the 4th floor, and it had all kinds of chemicals and stuff. And there was an all-star cast of nutrient additives and supplements! You should at least go take a peek. I highly recommend it!
: I think you and Ogre are probably the only ones interested in stuff like that...
: Oh, but...it's not all good stuff, though. There was medicine and health stuff, but on top of that...There was also, um...a bunch of different poisons.
: P-Poison!?
: They were all labeled clearly, though. So it would be hard to grab one by mistake...
: Still, we'd better make sure we're careful around there.
: And...we probably shouldn't tell Byakuya or Toko about the poison, right?
: What do you mean...?
: Well, just in case... You know what I'm trying to say.
: J-Just in case... Yeah, I think you're right.
: It's Byakuya. It won't be long before he's discovered it for himself.
But to put something as dangerous as poison right out in the open... That's absolutely the work of the mastermind.
: I found a couple rooms on the 4th floor, but they were locked! The data center and the headmaster's room!
: The headmaster's room!? That sounds like exactly the kinda place we'd find some clues!
: If we can somehow unlock the door and get inside...
: Who cares about a stupid lock!
: It should be no problem for the world's strongest missing link to knock down one measly door!
: ...What was that?
: Uwah!
: No, please. Continue.
: Did you say I've got the nicest butt on the block? The curviest hips in town? Is that what you said!?
: Hell no I didn't!
: Then what DID you say? Cuz I KNOW you weren't talking about tearing down the door to the headmaster's room.
: Ng--!
: Knocking down your headmaster's door? What kind of war on education are you trying to start here!?
: That's MY room, ya know? It is *now* anyway... And you're thinking of busting it down?
: You seriously don't wanna piss me off. You have any idea how much bacteria lives on a single bear claw?
: N-No, I was just kiddin'! Please don't get mad!
: I'm not mad! >_<
: You're totally mad! ;_;
: I was hoping I wouldn't have to add a rule for this, but if you're gonna go around having those thoughts...
: I have no choice but to add to the school regulations!
: Seriously...?
: Breaking down a locked door is prohibited! There, that's a rule now, ya jerks! *leaves*
: I-Is he gone...?
: Whew... Man, I was scared for my life! I was sure he was gonna kill me, for serious!
: But if he would go out of his way to make up a rule like that, there's no doubt that something important must be hidden in the headmaster's room.
: But...now that it's a rule, there's nothing we can do.
: ...
: Metal sheets had been attached to all the windows on the 4th floor. None of them budged an inch...
: Just like everywhere else...
: Escape from the 4th floor seems unlikely. That was to be expected, though.
: Um...Kyoko?
: ...
She's ignoring me...
: Hey, Makoto... Does Kyoko seem upset to you?
: She is, isn't she!? She's totally mad!
: Y-Yeah, it looks like it...
: ...
: I bet it's your fault, isn't it? You must've done something to her.
Agh...this is bad...
: So...has everyone said what they need to say?
: I think so...
: But it looks like nobody found any clues at all, let alone a way out of here.
: I haven't been this depressed since my house burned to the ground! Someone, do something to cheer me up!
: Um...can I say something?
: It's cuz my dad was smoking in bed!
: That's...no... I have something I'd like to report. So...you guys all remember, right? You remember when I found that picture up on the 3rd floor the other day?
: You mean the one that showed Mondo, Chihiro, and Leon all together, right?
: Yeah, I remember. What about it?
: Well, I found another one. Another picture, almost just like that one.
: Another one...?
: But this time, the picture was of Celeste, Hifumi, and Sayaka.
: Huh...?
: And they were all smiling... And the classroom in the picture didn't have any metal covering the windows.

Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Locked Room Was Unlocked Phone

: So the picture of Mondo, Chihiro, and Leon wasn't the only one... Now you found one that had Celeste, Hifumi, and Sayaka?
: But...how can that...?
: Monokuma must have faked it!
: But...if the picture *is* real...
: ...then everyone who was in it...
: There would have to be some kind of hidden connection there, don't you think? Some deeper truth...that we just don't understand...
: Can't be! It's a fake!
: But Monokuma said it was real. I know we could just write that off as a lie, but...
: Then you trust Monokuma's word over the people who have died?
: Huh...?
: That's what you're saying, isn't it?
: No, that's not it...
: I'm shocked. You told everyone how we should believe in our friends, but you refuse to do the same.
: Th-That's not--!
What's going on, Kyoko? Why are you getting emotional...? I don't understand why she's so angry...
: C'mon guys, stop fighting, or all your good luck is gonna float away! Anyway, Makoto...you're thinking about it too much. There's no way Monokuma didn't fake that picture.
Trigger: He's just trying to confuse us. You shouldn't listen to anything Monokuma has to say.
: Y-You might be right, but still...
Music cuts out.

Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Demo

???: Are you still so conflicted?
: It looks like you guys have stopped playing nice.
: Byakuya!
: You all have the same sunken look on your faces. You were all so ugly before. You shouldn't let them sink any lower.
: When I look at you, it makes me think of a frog sinking into a pile of manure.
: Sorry...
: Why are you apologizing!?
: Leave us alone! You're not a part of this!
: That's true enough. Your problems aren't mine. We are, and always will be, completely separate. So whatever's causing your faces to turn so ugly has absolutely nothing to do with me. And if I happen to discover a vital clue, it wouldn't concern you in the slightest.
: Huh...?
: Did he finally just say something useful?
: ...Byakuya. What have you been up to?
: I don't mind telling you. Perhaps forcing your lazy brains to get to work might do you some good.
: I was in the bath. What else would you like to know? Today's lottery numbers?
He was...taking a bath? Is he saying he's been talking to Alter Ego? Did he tell him something...?
: Maybe we should *all* go take a bath.
: Ah...good idea.
: A mixed bath...?

Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Wiki

: A mixed bath...!

Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Characters

Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Anime

If Alter Ego really did tell him something... I wonder what it could have been.