With just over two months to go until Election Day 2020, Animal Crossing: New Horizons users now have the option to bring presidential campaign energy to their villages. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has largely opted for a virtual campaign strategy amidst the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, and he's now tapped the popular video game series as a way to connect with potential voters. If you're interested in decorating your virtual yard with your political affiliation, here's how to get Biden-Harris Animal Crossing yard signs.
Tuesday, Sept. 1 marks the beginning of fall on Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and in addition to the leaves changing colors, users can bring another sign of fall to their island with new virtual merch from Biden and 2020 Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris (D-California). In an emailed statement shared with Elite Daily, Christian Tom, director of digital partnerships for the Biden campaign, shared news of the virtual signs, calling it 'an exciting new opportunity for our campaign to engage and connect Biden-Harris supporters as they build and decorate their islands.' You can choose from one of four virtual 'yard sign' designs: the official Biden and Harris logo against a blue backdrop, 'Team Joe' against a blue backdrop, a colorful 'Joe' Pride-inspired logo, or an illustration of Biden's classic aviator sunglasses in red, white, and blue.
To bring one of these four designs to your island yard, you'll need to head to the Nintendo Switch Online app and scan one of the four QR codes below, and they are also available at store.joebiden.com/animal-crossing. Once you've signed in to the app and click on Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you'll see the option to select the 'Designs' NookLink app. From there, you can click to select 'Scan a QR code using your camera,' and can scan one of the four codes to populate your yard signs with some Biden-Harris merch.

Feb 22, 2013 - Explore Edna McNellis's board 'Animal Crossing Signs' on Pinterest. See more ideas about crossing sign, animal crossing, signs.
- 20 More of My Favorite Animal Crossing Signs in the World It's back! 20 more of my favorite animal crossing signs in the whole wide world! There are more than just deer crossing signs out there my friends, and my goal is to collect them all (photographically, that is). When I began traveling the back roads of Earth's wild places I discovered a crazy menagerie of animals on road crossing signs.
- Free DIY Sign Let your island visitors know they can take any of the DIY recipes you have with this sign. It’s a chalkboard look, which goes well with DIY stall patterns. This Animal Crossing sign is the perfect complement to your free section.
While a Biden and Animal Crossing cross-over might sound like the last thing voters would expect, it's not actually that surprising considering Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the second best-selling Switch game as of early August 2020, according to Engadget. Tom also shared in the statement that this is only the beginning of more virtual campaign efforts, saying, 'This is just the start of how we plan to engage players ahead of November as we’re already looking forward to rolling out more digital swag, voter education tools, and organizing efforts on Animal Crossing and other platforms.'

Animal Crossing Free Download
Currently, there's no option for Trump supporters to decorate their island lawns with campaign signs. In an emailed response to an inquiry about whether the Trump campaign would also add Animal Crossing yard signs, Samantha Zager, Deputy National Press Secretary for the Trump campaign, tells Elite Daily, 'The Trump campaign will continue to spend its resources campaigning in the real world with real Americans.'
Animal Crossing Sign
Only time will tell how the Biden campaign expands his Animal Crossing presence and if Trump might eventually follow suit, but it looks like both campaigns might have to continue getting creative with virtual campaigning ahead of the November election.