Roblox Trade Currency Download

Roblox+ is a free Google Chrome extension made by me (WebGL3D) that adds features to the website! Some of the features include:. Item notifier - get notified when a new item comes out or gets updated. Avatar page filter bar. Trade notifier. Support dark theme on unsupported Roblox pages There are over 30 features Roblox+ includes!

  1. Roblox
  2. Roblox Trade Currency Download Sites
Jan 13th, 2017
Roblox currency exchangeRoblox Trade Currency Download
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  1. script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  2. local item = RS:WaitForChild('Item Name Here')
  3. local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  4. if stats.Money.Value price then -- Change the Money to your Currency Name
  5. local cloned = item:Clone()
  6. cloned2.Parent = player.Backpack
  7. end
RAW Paste Data
How to trade on roblox

Roblox Trade Currency Download Sites